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Nikon COOLPIX S570 Digital Camera Product Reviews

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Nikon COOLPIX S570 Digital Camera

Brand: Nikon
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 2

For the love of Ashton (Report Review)
Aug 21, 2011 by tona37211
Consumer rating: (5)
I am someone who loves to have a digital camera on hand to take a unlimited amount of pictures. I like to have the camera handy so that if I run across something that I want to have a picture of, I am able to take a picture. The 12 megapixel camera is great for taking stunning pictures of a variety of subjects. I use the camera to take pictures if I am out at the park or if I am visiting the local museum. For the various places that I go, this camera is just what I want and need it to be. This camera could not be any better for what I need a camera for.

The fact that I am able to take pictures up to 5x the distance, this is an added bonus. I like to travel to concerts and this allows me to travel without carrying extra rolls of film in my purse like other people that I know do. I do not have to worry about missing out on a picture because I have to replace the roll of film that I am using.

The stabilization settings allow me to take a picture even when my hands are shaking and I need to grab a shot. The bright LCD screen works great for letting me see what and how the picture is going to turn out. I also like the fact that it picks up on other peoples faces while I take a picture and this helps to fit and focus the camera to where I need it to be.

Overall, the slim design and stylish color is great for me. I would not like anything different in my next camera choice when I am looking for a new camera. I also like that I can store the photos on the SD card or the SDHC memory cards. Either way, I had to purchase the cards in order to take pictures above just the select few that you can grab with the internal camera memory.
Pros:  Has a great photo setting
Cons:  Is one of the more expensive brands.
Nikon COOLPIX does not disappoint (Report Review)
Aug 20, 2011 by knstone73
Consumer rating: (5)
My fiance purchased this camera for me for Christmas. At first, I was shocked. Since he has a wonderful, high powered camera (being a photographer), I was suprised he purchased me something that seemed so small and overpriced. Boy was I wrong! This little camera is great!! It is lightweight, zooms incredibly well, and takes wonderful pictures. I have used it for night shots, ocean shots, action shots, and everything in between. I absolutely love it! It stays in my purse - this is something I never leave home without!
Pros:  Lightweight
Clear shots
Settings for action, night, and every other arena you can imagine.
Easy to use, easy to charge, and easy to download photos!
Cons:  It is hard to put the camera down! Once you start taking photos, you will love it!!!

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