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Olympus Stylus 5010 / µ 5010 Digital Camera Product Reviews |
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Olympus Stylus 5010 / µ 5010 Digital Camera (Report Review)
Sep 04, 2011 by lahiri22
Consumer rating: (3)
The Olympus Stylus 5010 / µ 5010 Digital Camera is the only digital camera that I have ever owned, so I guess I will not be able to offer much comparison to other brands or models of digital cameras, but I can say that the Olympus Stylus 5010 / µ 5010 Digital Camera is not a very good model. I have hard it for a few years, and I think that the camera\'s memory space is ridiculous. You can only keep maybe ten to fifteen pictures on the camera at a time before having to delete some pictures to make room for new ones. The low memory space of the Olympus Stylus 5010 / µ 5010 Digital Camera almost entirely necessitates purchasing a memory card -- unless you plan on taking only a few pictures at a time, then immediately uploading them to your computer and deleting them from your camera. The quality of the pictures is okay I guess, but the Olympus Stylus 5010 / µ 5010 Digital Camera is not that many pixels. Overall, I would recommend getting a Sony or Canon digital camera, which I have heard good things about.