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Whirlpool WTW4850XQ Washer Product Reviews |
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Whirlpool WTW4850XQ Washer (Report Review)
Sep 06, 2011 by lahiri22
Consumer rating: (4)
I think that the Whirlpool WTW4850XQ Washer is a pretty decent product overall -- and it is certainly better than its companion Whirlpool dryer that we got. The Whirlpool WTW4850XQ Washer lasted twice as long as the Whirlpool dryer that we purchased at the same time. Overall, the Whirlpool WTW4850XQ Washer is pretty good for most loads -- although I would suggest that you wash your delicates by hand. I think that the Whirlpool WTW4850XQ Washer does have one main disadvantage -- it does not seem to rinse soap bubbles out very well. My mom personally does not like her clothes to smell strongly of soap bubbles of detergent, so we always run an extra cycle to try to get out the detergent scent that can oftentimes be overpowering. Even with the extra cycle, we found that the Whirlpool WTW4850XQ Washer did not do an adequate job of rinsing out the detergent residue. I guess I would still recommend the Whirlpool WTW4850XQ Washer if you do not mind the lingering smell of detergent in your clothes.