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Alli Weight Loss Aid Refill 120 ea (In stock) Product Reviews

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Alli Weight Loss Aid Refill 120 ea (In stock)

Brand: Alli
Rating: (3.00)
Reviews: 2

So-So (Report Review)
Sep 17, 2011 by awesomeguy
Consumer rating: (3)
Pretty good but, doesn't work too well.
Okay if you can stick to a low-fat diet (Report Review)
Aug 06, 2011 by writergirl.m
Consumer rating: (3)
Losing weight is probably one of the hardest things you could ever do. It's hard for me because I love to eat! I've tried lots of different diets--low-carb, low-fat, low-sugar--but I never stick to them and never manage to lose more than a few pounds before I go back to my old eating habits.

I've also tried a few different over-the-counter "diet aids" like Hydroxycut, but I never managed to lose any weight because the drugs made me feel too ill to take them for more than a week.

I picked up Alli after reading an article about it online. Alli is the only FDA-approved OTC diet aid, unlike Hydroxycut and all those other weight loss pills you might find in the vitamin aisle of your local drugstore. Because of this, I was hoping it might actually help me lose a few pounds.

There's one thing you need to know about Alli before you take it: you have to pair the pill with a low-fat diet, or you may experience stomach problems. In theory this isn't too hard but in practice, reading the labels on everything you eat to limit your fat intake is a frustrating experience, which is why I've had so much trouble with low-fat diets in the past. So many foods are off limits, like cheese.

Also, you do have to exercise. Without a diet and exercise the pill won't miraculously solve your weight problem, but it does seem to help accelerate the weight loss process. I didn't note any side effects, and it's fairly affordable.

If you don't have trouble sticking to a low-fat diet, then this pill might work well for you. I only stuck to it for about two months before I decided that I was tired of the low-fat routine and wanted to go back to eating my normal meals! Because I didn't stick to it for very long I only lost a few pounds, but someone who managed to stick to it for six months or more might actually lose a good amount of weight.

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