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Hydroxycut Maximum Advanced (women) 120 capsule (Iovate) Product Reviews

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Hydroxycut Maximum Advanced (women) 120 capsule (Iovate)

Brand: Hydroxycut
Rating: (1.33)
Reviews: 3

This sucks! (Report Review)
Sep 17, 2011 by awesomeguy
Consumer rating: (1)
I want a better product but this just plain sucks! Should have a warning sign that says do not buy!
Ok Diet Pill But Not My Favorite (Report Review)
Aug 09, 2011 by tona37211
Consumer rating: (2)
If you are a woman and are like most other woman, you know how difficult it can be to go on a diet and stick to the diet. It is important that you find a product that is going to work for you rather than working against you. For the Hydroxycut Maximum Advanced Capsules, you may find it difficult to loose weight while taking the medicine.

There are a number of different diet pills on the market today that it can be difficult to find the right one that is going to work the right way. For this reason, I have tried a number of different pills and this one seemed to work ok rather than the best. I do not particularly care too much for this pill since it did not work the best for me but if I had to choose a diet pill that is affordable, this would be the one for me. I like the fact that it is affordable as well as easy to find.

You see a ton of advertisements on the TV for this particular brand of diet pill that I figured that it would work good. It did ok but did not work as well as I thought it would work. I thought for sure that I would find myself 20 pounds lighter in a couple of weeks however, I did not. I found out that this works good for some girls rather than most.

If I had to choose to take this pill or take another, I would take the other even if that included paying much more money. For this reason, I recommend that you find a diet pill that is going to work for you or that is the best fit for you and your metabolism. Overall, it was not a bad experience but it did not work as well as expected either.
Pros:  Affordable compared to others.
Cons:  Can be hard to see a difference in your body over time.
I'd rather have the extra twenty pounds (Report Review)
Aug 08, 2011 by writergirl.m
Consumer rating: (1)
Like most women, from time to time, I think about going on a diet. I have a lot of trouble sticking to any diet for very long, though--I end up getting bored with meal plan, or tired of counting calories, or I start feeling deprived. It's always one thing or another.

I picked up a box of Hydroxycut tablets because I'd seen tons and tons of advertisements for the brand, even in some of my health and fitness magazines. Simply put, Hydroxycut is one of the worst products I've ever used and I would tell anyone they are better off carrying an extra 10 or 20 pounds than they are using this product.

Taking the recommended dosage of the tablets made me extremely jittery. I felt nauseous, my heart was racing, and I really felt sick. I started taking them during a long weekend, and ended up spending most of the weekend in bed, shaking. I quit taking them after three days because I felt so ill!

I wasn't at all surprised when the FDA yanked these pills from store shelves, saying they could cause heart problems; I was only shocked that the company was allowed to "reformulate" the product and continue selling it.

I've had a few people tell me that I just had a bad experience because of the caffeine and other stimulants, and that I should try the caffeine-free version of this drug. But after the horrible experience I had, I'd rather not take the chance!

I threw out the largely unused bottle of pills and decided that it was both the first and the last time I turned to a quick fix diet pill to lose a few pounds. Shedding a few pounds a little quicker just isn't worth the side effects and the potential to seriously damage your health.
Pros:  --None
Cons:  --Made me jittery and nauseous
--Not FDA approved

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