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Motorola Droid Bionic Product Reviews |
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Beautiful and Reliable! (Report Review)
Sep 30, 2011 by qahtesham
Consumer rating: (4)
This device has a nice slim and sleek design, with 4.3-inch qHD display and double whammy of a dual-core processor. All my business activities I use this phone am totally pleased with its enterprise abilities like the WebTop application and solid security. Am also pleased with the long life battery. The negative side of this phone is: the camera has a slight shutter lag. I can say that display is not as sharp as I would like and it not quite expensive as we all knows that the WebTop application is not cheap. Not only is it thinner but the final iteration of the Droid Bionic is also much more attractive. The glass on the display goes from edge to edge with a slight curve at the sides that results in a smooth and sleek appearance. I can say that I am much ok with the metallic housing and understated chin add to the phones polished look. What really impressed me is how smooth and fast navigation this phone is; the Droid Bionic weighs 5.6 ounces which I think is decent considering its size. Beneath the display I like its design, there are four Android shortcuts for menu, home, back and search functions. On the right there are volume rocker, the micro USB port and micro HD. All I can say is that the processor is quick, the battery life is amazing. Screen looks quiet good and auto brightness works well. The phone is excellent and highly recommendable. Other than those couple of things the actual device is great. The cellphone camera is perfect in all conditions, but in sunlight or a bright room the pictures comes out than good enough to post on face book. Battery life is great given the screen size and processing power.