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Play-Doh 24 Pack of Colors Product Reviews |
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fun for kids! (Report Review)
Sep 07, 2011 by leslienguyen25
Consumer rating: (5)
I love play-doh products. they're so good. i think everyone knows about play-doh. they shouldn't expect too much out of it to be honest. it's cheap and kids love it. i love how there are so many different colors. it's so cool to make objects out of it with different colors. my kids love playing this. he would make so many different creatures and objects such as people, cars, butterflies, and so many more. the possibilities are endless. it's just depends on your imagination. i really recommend this to all parents and gaurdians. but while you let your kids play, make sure you watch them. they might be too small to understand that you can't eat it. the only thing i don't like is the smell but it's okay. it's not bad though since most to all clay smells bad. a thing i love to do is when my kids make something pretty, i would put it in the oven for a low temperature and would make it so it's hard. and in my opinion, it would be so cool if they did a 'scented" play-doh. im sure kids will love it, but then they'll eat it so im not sure if it's good.
Play-Doh 24 Pack of Colors (Report Review)
Sep 07, 2011 by lahiri22
Consumer rating: (3)
I think that Play-Doh 24 Pack of Colors is an okay product for children. I still remember playing with Play-Doh 24 Pack of Colors when I was a lot younger. Overall, there are definite pros and cons to the Play-Doh 24 Pack of Colors. Some of the major advantages include keeping your little ones' hands busy when they are young. In addition, the Play-Doh 24 Pack of Colors comes in twenty-four different colors, meaning that your child can be really creative and come up with a lot of different creations. This is always a good thing. The bad thing however is that your young child might accidentally ingest some of the Play-Doh 24 Pack of Colors. I would suggest making your own play doh out of something edible if you are really concerned about the possibility of this. I guess the risk of your child consuming play doh is always there. From personal experience, another thing that I do not like about Play-Doh 24 Pack of Colors is the smell of the play doh itself. I always remembered that it smelled like rotten eggs.
