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Melissa & Doug Jacks Product Reviews

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Melissa & Doug Jacks

Rating: (4.00)
Reviews: 2

i like it.. (Report Review)
Sep 07, 2011 by leslienguyen25
Consumer rating: (4)
i love jacks. i've been playing when i was small and i still love it even when im an adult. i saw this on amazon and it was only $10. it looks pretty nice with the wooden box and the brown old fashioned pouch to put the jacks in. when i got it, it was fun. it was just like any other jacks games. not differences. the only thing i don't like is that this is a little too old fashioned for my kids and my taste though... but i still like it. it's really fun to play and it's just like any other jacks games. kids will soon find this boring though since it looks really old fashion and outdated. but it's up to you to find new games to play with it. i love making up new games to play with my kids. for example, instead of playing the original game of jacks, i would throw the ball and the jack pieces far away and tell them who can find the most pieces win. you know, it makes it better if you find new ways to play games. in the end, this product is good but i suggest buying something else cheaper.
Melissa & Doug Jacks (Report Review)
Sep 07, 2011 by lahiri22
Consumer rating: (4)
I think that Melissa & Doug Jacks are a high quality toy for children to play with. The jacks are silver and gold, and the little bouncing ball that comes with the Melissa & Doug Jacks set is red. You also receive a lovely wooden box to store the jacks and ball. In addition, the Melissa & Doug Jacks set also comes with a nice leather brown pouch to store your jacks and to keep them separate from the ball. Although I am sure that young children will find the Melissa & Doug Jacks set fun and entertaining on a quiet afternoon, I do have a word of caution regarding the individual parts in the Melissa & Doug Jacks. The jacks are definitely small enough for a child to think that he or she can put them in his or her mouth. You need to watch your children at all times while they are playing with Melissa & Doug Jacks or else you could risk having one of them choke on the jacks. Other than that, however, I heartily recommend the Melissa & Doug Jacks set. It would make a wonderufl present in my opinion;

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