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Safety 1st Apex 65 Booster Seat Product Reviews

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Safety 1st Apex 65 Booster Seat

Brand: Safety 1st
Rating: (5.00)
Reviews: 1

Best In Its Class (Report Review)
Aug 17, 2011 by tona37211
Consumer rating: (5)
When it comes to top of the line car seats, one brand is rated the best and that brand is also a more expensive car seat. The fact of the matter is that many of us are unable to afford the top of the line products and often will resort to the lowest grade car seat simply because they can not afford the better brand. With the Cosco brand, you can have safety and value.

The Cosco Safety 1st car seat in Apex is a forward facing car seat that comes with a belt positioning booster as well. The five point harness is good for children who are between 22 pounds and 65 pounds as well as children who are 34 inches in height up to 52 inches in height. The booster seat can then be used for children up to 100 pounds and 57 inches in height. The removable cup holder is a plus and allows me to move the cup holder from one side to the other when moving the car seat from one side of the vehicle to the other.
The arm rests that come with this car seat are fixed in one height but this can be a good thing as well.

I like the fact that this car seat can be easily installed into the car and comes with a manual that is written solely in English. This is hard to come by as well and is one reason I like this car seat so well. I do not have to go through the whole manual to find the right directions for me. Just be warned when purchasing this car seat, the manual is underneath the car seat cover. I did not know this at first and found myself tearing everything apart in order to find it. I felt about 2 inches high when I finally realized it was right in front of me the whole time.

In my experience, the Britax was much more costly and did the same functions as this brand of car seat. I liked the fact that this car seat was affordable and stylish as well as easy to install.
Pros:  Does the same as the Britax brand but is affordable.

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