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Earthwise 20-inch Electric Lawn Mower-new Product Reviews |
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Earthwise 20-inch Electric Lawn Mower-new (Report Review)
Nov 01, 2011 by briidope
Consumer rating: (4)
I was definitely surprised by how lightweight the Earthwise 20-inch Electric Lawn Mower-new was. It was light enough to push with one hand and carry the cord with the other. You can adjust the heights for the grass cutting depending on your grass length. I also like the padding on the handle but it will wear out after some time. You can choose from side-dispensing grass clipping or you can choose to have it in the bag. Although, the bag is not very helpful because the grass clippings do not really go in to the bag like they are supposed to. Despite all that, Electric lawn mowers are very good for the environment and can do the same things that gas lawn mowers do. The Earthwise 20-inch Electric Lawn Mower-new is also a 3 in 1 mulch which is a handy feature. I love how the Earthwise 20-inch Electric Lawn Mower-new cuts my grass. It leaves a clean nice cut that is also very even. I would recommend the Earthwise 20-inch Electric Lawn Mower-new to you because it is such a great mower and I have had no problems with it.
