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George Foreman GGR50B Electric Grill Product Reviews |
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George Foreman GGR50B Electric Grill (Report Review)
Oct 31, 2011 by briidope
Consumer rating: (4)
My husband bought the George Foreman GGR50B Electric Grill at a garage sale for a really great price. The George Foreman GGR50B Electric Grill allowed us to grill outdoor on our small patio. The George Foreman GGR50B Electric Grill would be great from someone with restrictions about grills. The George Foreman GGR50B Electric Grill has a large cooking surface and could fit food for your whole family. The set up and use was easy and there were no complications. The only bad thing about the George Foreman GGR50B Electric Grill is that the drip pan (for the extra grease and oils from the food) was small. Other than that, I loved the George Foreman GGR50B Electric Grill. You can easily remove the griddle part and use that indoors. The grill part is easy to clean and the George Foreman GGR50B Electric Grill is not too heavy. It makes your food healthier by getting the fat and grease out of it also. The George Foreman GGR50B Electric Grill is a good choice if you live in an apartment that only allows electric griddles.