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Fun Fridays- Fittness and Sports
Sep 23, 2011

New Fun Friday Sweepstake- Fitness and Sports
Write reviews about products in sub-categories specified bellow this week
September 23 - September 30 and you will not only earn 1$ per each
qualified review you submitted but you also can win one of three 50$ Amazon
Gift Cards. Winners of this sweepstake are picked at random, therefore the
more reviews you submit the higher are your chances to win.
Qualified categories:
• Treadmills ,Ellipticals, Stationery Bikes, Rowers, Steppers and Stair
Climbers, Cross Country Ski Equipment, Alpine Ski Equipment, Snowboards,

Accepted Review:
Only residents of USA and Canada are eligible to participate in this offer.
In order for a review to be accepted and qualify for payment it must follow
these simple rules. The review must:
• Reviews has to be written on a topic, specified by a current sweepstake
• Be at least 200 words or more (1000+ characters including spaces)
• Be written from your personal experience with the product
• Be written about a product that can fit into our accepted categories or
sub-categories; services, travel, books, movies, music, video games, food
and beverage are not acceptable categories.
• Be original and not copied from anywhere on or offline. Each individual
review will be checked for plagiarism.
• If you are submitting your review that you posted on another site,
please change at least 50% of text
How do you get paid?
The reviews would be counted, checked for plagiarism and Amazon gift cards
issued on Monday following the end of sweepstake period.
You can redeem your earnings by clicking on “Contact Us”, give us your
User name and a country of residence and then submitting your request to
redeem your award. We will send your Gift card only to the email address
associated with your User name in our registration database to insure that
it will be received by its rightful owner.
You have to have at least $10 in your account to redeem your reward. 

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